A private investment group from Nigeria is intending to develop a large-scale commercial irrigated project for paddy rice production for the local market. FGM was assigned to assess site parameters, confirm feasibility of the project and develop overall detailed design of the flood irrigation scheme.
The selected 5 000 ha land is a flat plain in a remote area and subject to seasonal floods. FGM had to assess all factors to confirm feasibility of the investment and design a solution adapted to alleviate natural risks, protect farm assets and the local population.
FGM developed a 1 000 ha area design integrating the use of natural floods with specific features to ensure the plan’s economic viability. FGM’s output gave the investment group a key report to facilitate its fundraising.
Evaluation of the site’s potential and farming area to be developed, water resources and soil conditions, based on a thorough site investigation and collected hydrological /agronomic data.
In-field review of local rice production
5 experts
1 Year
5000 ha
Haske & Williams Ltd.